PIARC World Road Congress

The trigger for this trip, when all’s said and done, was the PIARC XXVII World Road Congress. And Wednesday 4th October 2023 was the day I had registered for.

So having taken full advantage of the all-you-can-eat buffet breakfast, I duly made my way to the Congress Centre with my well-travelled tube and poster. And wife, who thoughtfully took a photo of me going in, prior to registration.

Nothing much to see here really, but I did bump into David McTiernan from NTRO and Jean Sandall from TMR. David introduced me to some blokes from Transport for London, and we talked a lot about auditor and audit training provider accreditation processes. I also enjoyed a nanosecond of fame when I was credited by Hans Godthelp as one of the Specific Road Safety Issues for Low and Middle Income Countries working group.

And the poster, for anyone that has managed to scroll this far down the page…


Reflections on Praha I


Hotel Myo Wenceslas